Practice Areas / Domestic Violence
Minnesota Domestic Violence Defense Attorney
Charles Gerlach is an experienced Minnesota Domestic Violence Criminal Defense Attorney. He has over 25 years of experience practicing criminal law, including representing people charged with domestic violence crimes. He previously served as a prosecutor and knows the government’s tactics for prosecuting these cases, and uses his experience to protect your rights. Contact Mr. Gerlach for a free assessment of your case.

Let us use our decades of experience to address your legal needs.

False Domestic Violence Allegations
We frequently encounter false charges made up during divorce and child custody cases. If you are being falsely accused of domestic violence or you are facing a restraining order against you, Mr. Gerlach can represent you and ensure that your rights are protected as we fight these false accusations.

Domestic Violence Charges in Minnesota
Minnesota law defines a domestic incident with a family or household member. Family and household members include partners and former partners, parents and children, people related by blood, and people who live together or have lived together. When arguments between domestic partners occur and police are called, one party may be arrested and charged with domestic violence crimes including:
- Domestic assault
- Violations of orders for protection
- Harassment/restraining orders
- Vulnerable Adult Crimes
Domestic violence charges can have lifelong effects. Reach out to Mr. Gerlach for a free consultation.
Potential Punishment in Minnesota
Domestic assault is a misdemeanor punishable by up to 90 days in jail and a $1,000 fine. If there is one previous conviction of domestic assault, punishments can be up to one year of jail time. Two or more prior domestic violence convictions can be charged as a felony offense with over one year of jail time.
In addition to jail time, a domestic violence conviction can require a person to surrender all firearms and they can be prevented from purchasing firearms in the future. Having a firearm can result in additional charges.
No Contact Protection Orders (NCO)
An order of protection can prohibit the named party from contacting the alleged victim, as well as that individual’s minor children, depending upon the circumstances alleged in the protective order petition. This is a court order and must be followed.
The order will be entered as a temporary order of protection and a hearing will be scheduled where you can contest the order from becoming permanent which can have severe personal and professional consequences.
You mustn’t violate the order of protection. Violating a protective order can lead to new charges and potential penalties.
Domestic Abuse No Contact Order (DANCO)
In Minnesota, a Domestic Abuse No Contact Order (DANCO) is a legal order issued by a court that prohibits the alleged offender from having any contact with the protected individual, which may include in-person communication, phone calls, texts, or indirect contact through third parties.
These orders are commonly issued in cases involving any domestic related charge. They remain in effect until the court decides otherwise, often lasting throughout the criminal case or beyond.
Violating a DANCO is considered a serious offense in Minnesota and can result in additional criminal charges, including potential jail time.
At Gerlach Law, Attorney Charles Gerlach uses his extensive experience as a former prosecutor to help clients navigate the complexities of DANCOs. His unique insight into how the prosecution builds and approaches these cases allows him to develop strategic defenses to protect his clients’ rights, challenge unwarranted orders, and minimize the impact on their lives. You’ll have a dedicated advocate who understands both sides of the legal process and works tirelessly to achieve the best possible outcome for you.